Flixton RAM Installation
14th May 2015
The WC & Brethren of Flixton RAM were delighted to have as their principal guest at their installation W Bro David Emmerson RAMGR PrGDC of the Province.
David Emmerson, Stuart Wilson & Russel Green
After opening the lodge the WC Russell Green welcomed David and the visiting commander non other than John Robson former group chairman of the Chorley & District group of lodges, now the WC of Bentinck Lodge which meets at Kirby Lonsdale in the Province of Cumberland & Westmoreland.
David congratulating Stuart
Continuing with the business on the summons a ballot took place for a joining member, Brian Sharples, which proved favourable.
The next item was to install Bro Stuart Wilson as WC for the ensuing year. The installation workings and the address to the WC were both executed in a very confident manor by WBro Russel Green.
The greetings of our new PrGM Bro Keith Alan Beardmore were given by his representative David Emmerson, after which we all retired to the dining room where an excellent meal was awaiting.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Ken Alker